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Flights and Tights

Sep 10, 2018

This episode, Jess and Rebecca trudge resentfully into the DCEU! Listen to hear our thoughts on Action Jor-El, the worst Jonathan Kent ever, and *that* ending.

Twitter/Tumblr: @flightstights

Show Notes:

Chris Sims’ review:


Jul 17, 2018

This episode, Jess and Rebecca leap into the 21st century to discuss murderous preschoolers, Christina Aguilera, and this movie's secret, incredibly gross subtext.

Twitter/Tumblr: @flightstights

What A Girl Wants (trust us, it'll make sense after you listen):

Jun 1, 2018

Is this the worst Superman movie ever...or is it the BEST? Jess and Rebecca take this question seriously as they discuss double dates, Jon Cryer's hair, and global nuclear disarmament.

Twitter/Tumblr: @flightstights

Referenced articles on the Allison Mack story:

May 31, 2018

This episode we're talking about 1983's Superman III, from the strange use of Richard Pryor to the stranger Superman vs. Clark fight scene to the strangest sexy evil robot computer lady. Stay tuned until the end to hear our discussion questions for our listeners!

Check out Ilya Salkind's incredibly weird original...

May 31, 2018

This month, we're talking about 1980's Superman II, amnesia kisses and all. Tune in to find out what we think about Zod, whether or not Krypton has trees, and why there are two different versions of this movie.

Watch the Donner Cut Clark/Lois screen test scene:
